
term 4 week 1

 This week we made cookies and recorded the video on the app stop motion. Stop motion is an app where you take photos and make a video at 30fps. I had so much fun with my partner Navraj. We started editing on Wednesday and finished on Friday. Here is a link to the video Navraj and ( link )

term 3 week 6

 This week we were doing biographs. My Biography about Kobe Bryant R.I.P Here is a picture of is facts    


 This week we took photos and put them into photopea/photoshop. Then we see the angles and figure it out, once we figure the angle with a digital protractor we put in a text what the angle is and we had to do it to two photos and 5 angles on each photo. here are my pictures and angles.  

The University waikato

 In term 2 2022 Enrich went on a trip to the University of Waikato. The campus we went on was the Tauranga, we got a goodie bag and a tour around the campus after we spilt into 2 groups and did the activities. The activities were coding and car engineering.


 This week we have been making a Matariki story. We had to research the Matariki story and facts, then once we have all the facts we found, we had to write a story about the Matariki star cluster. Here is my story so far. We also made T-shirts and design them to a Matariki theme  Matariki is a star cluster and also the Maori new year. Matariki happens on the 25 june and is also now made as a public holiday. There are 9 stars in the cluster. Stars names and meanings are Tupu-ā-nuku is the eldest of Matariki’s daughters, Tupu-ā-rangi loves to sing waipunarangi accompanies her grandmothers to the water - the oceans,waiti and waitā are the matariki’s twins, ururangi enjoys racing all of her sisters to get to kuia first, but what about matariki you may ask? Well, she’s doing what all good mothers (and other caregivers)

Statistical investigation

 This week we have been working on Statistical investigation. My group members were Ahyan, Navraj and my self, here is a picture of our data